Came back from pangkor last on Sunday nite. Yes, some of u might think why is this person going to pangkor twice in the time frame of 1 year. as simple as that, i went with different group of ppl-thus this time i went with a group of scout. We basically did more or less the same thing except that this trip we really cycle not the whole island but half. Mind u some vendors in pangkor still remember the freak accident happen to my friend last year..LOL. The trip was OK but the bus trip back from LUMUT was torturing. These 2 aunty from some small town( not prejudice) literally chat all the way from lumut to KL for 4 hours.. and i am sitting right in front of them wit au yong.
As my title suggest i caught in crossroad now.. I have a decision but this might not be a decision my parents want especially in this current economic situation. Well, this particular line is only for me to understand.
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Thursday, 18 December 2008
Yes, i just graduated from MUFY yesterday. Heading to Monash Uni soon..
Yesterday , was my graduation nite at sheraton hotel. I won't say that it's superb due to the service and extra pack ballroom. worse still table 20 have 2 parents who dun say a thing through out the ceremony. congrats to my frens who did well for mufy.. my results is okay, ntg to shout about. the highlights of the day has to be the MAMA MIA performance from our beloved lecturers. michael was kinda stunned when i went the stage to place a rose into his pocket while he was performing..
MUFY certainly have a lots of memories. get to noe quite a numbers of frens..and the 1st day of college memory is just flashing through my mind now. Orientation- where we build the bridge, MUFY games - telematch got 3rd place together wit marcus , heuy ting revekah, pravenna and of course ethel ( ballon catching) on. SSD - learn how to foos.. MPH- topic test* uncountable times.
Now, if not all then most of us will be goin to monash uni -either sunway or aussie. No matter which monash u all r goin
I would like to say ALL THE BEST..lets graduate in the 1st class in 2011
Yesterday , was my graduation nite at sheraton hotel. I won't say that it's superb due to the service and extra pack ballroom. worse still table 20 have 2 parents who dun say a thing through out the ceremony. congrats to my frens who did well for mufy.. my results is okay, ntg to shout about. the highlights of the day has to be the MAMA MIA performance from our beloved lecturers. michael was kinda stunned when i went the stage to place a rose into his pocket while he was performing..
MUFY certainly have a lots of memories. get to noe quite a numbers of frens..and the 1st day of college memory is just flashing through my mind now. Orientation- where we build the bridge, MUFY games - telematch got 3rd place together wit marcus , heuy ting revekah, pravenna and of course ethel ( ballon catching) on. SSD - learn how to foos.. MPH- topic test* uncountable times.
Now, if not all then most of us will be goin to monash uni -either sunway or aussie. No matter which monash u all r goin
I would like to say ALL THE BEST..lets graduate in the 1st class in 2011
Sunday, 23 November 2008
Holiday & Working
Well, it has been a long time since i last updated my blog. currently i m working while waiting for my MUFY resluts. Life's boring .
Anyway , i went to langkawi last 2 week with my college frens and my counsins if u r aware.
lots of incident had happen but the most exciting n memorable has to be the last event of the trip-"Rushing for the bus"
Initially, we booked a return ferry ticket from an agent to return to kuala perlis jetty by 9.15am on the mondat morning in order to catch our bus back to KL at 10.15am. But due to some misunderstanding, we did not confirm the return ticket and we r definitely goin to miss the bus . Luckily wing yip and 3 others went over to kangar earlier to get the handphone they left in the bus when we are goin to langkawi
As a malaysian, i truly noe the arts of bribery, with the help of money we managed to hold the bus for abt an hour , miracally, we r able to catch the bus.
Photo are in facebook so i m lazy to post it here.
I missed basketball as well.
Finally, all the best to my friends who are goin overseas to futher their studies ..
Anyway , i went to langkawi last 2 week with my college frens and my counsins if u r aware.
lots of incident had happen but the most exciting n memorable has to be the last event of the trip-"Rushing for the bus"
Initially, we booked a return ferry ticket from an agent to return to kuala perlis jetty by 9.15am on the mondat morning in order to catch our bus back to KL at 10.15am. But due to some misunderstanding, we did not confirm the return ticket and we r definitely goin to miss the bus . Luckily wing yip and 3 others went over to kangar earlier to get the handphone they left in the bus when we are goin to langkawi
As a malaysian, i truly noe the arts of bribery, with the help of money we managed to hold the bus for abt an hour , miracally, we r able to catch the bus.
Photo are in facebook so i m lazy to post it here.
I missed basketball as well.
Finally, all the best to my friends who are goin overseas to futher their studies ..
Saturday, 27 September 2008
Football Saturday
Haven't been blogging for quite a while..
But today is a special day. All credits for shim and choo for arranging the games. I couldn't when was the last time we played football in mbs field.
Getting as early as 6.45 on Saturday seems ridiculous but thats wat we did. Went to sri petaling to pick up my counsin and sze to and seng hang.
Everything went smoothly until khew dissalocated his elbow . Kenneth sent him to hospital immediately and after abt 2hours with some treatment then his parents came and pick him up.
Then off we go to PJ oldtown for claypot chicken rice . Could u believe that 9 og us actually ate 7 big pot of claypot rice..LOL..
But today is a special day. All credits for shim and choo for arranging the games. I couldn't when was the last time we played football in mbs field.
Getting as early as 6.45 on Saturday seems ridiculous but thats wat we did. Went to sri petaling to pick up my counsin and sze to and seng hang.
Everything went smoothly until khew dissalocated his elbow . Kenneth sent him to hospital immediately and after abt 2hours with some treatment then his parents came and pick him up.
Then off we go to PJ oldtown for claypot chicken rice . Could u believe that 9 og us actually ate 7 big pot of claypot rice..LOL..
Friday, 12 September 2008
Its has been a long time since i updated. Had been extremly busy throughout this two weeks as a lot of test n assignment had to be done .
Well finally finished with them and i shall update more often.
Alot of things happened dis few weeks but i would like to comment on ahmad's racist remarks. He shall think before he actually made some outburst in the public.Calling chinese squaters is just ridiculous. After all we controlled abt 60-70% of the country economy despite a 20% population. Sack him n not supspend.
Tmr i will be heading to OBA to had party n meet some old
Well finally finished with them and i shall update more often.
Alot of things happened dis few weeks but i would like to comment on ahmad's racist remarks. He shall think before he actually made some outburst in the public.Calling chinese squaters is just ridiculous. After all we controlled abt 60-70% of the country economy despite a 20% population. Sack him n not supspend.
Tmr i will be heading to OBA to had party n meet some old
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
Came back from singapore on sunday...raining all the way back from there..actually went there for a seminar ...its was good and at least it is not those talk that will bored to hell..
Singapore gots lots of cool car that malaysia dun even have..police there actually used a subaru sports car as patrol n lexus sedan is jus all over the using brand new sonata unlike our lame 10+years old protons
Manage to spare sometime to go a short sight seeing after the seminar..But a bad news is that i m nt goin to singapore this weekend again cos the scout thingy is cancled
Photos from singapore...

Thursday, 21 August 2008
Frasers Hills
Came back from Frasers Hill on tuesday but could only update my blog kinda sad..has been extreamely busy during this 1 week holiday
Went to frasers due to a scout camp in our scout troop where now i m 1 of the scouter. 1st camp out from the school after becoming scouter. Neway 4d3n were quite fun...went for two jungle tracking and 1of the trail was repair by me n my friends last year...still remember the goold old days where we always camp together.
had some drinking session with the old scouters..whisky n brandy...(quoted from liu kwai choong-to keep warm when he was drinking). Weather up there is quite unpredictable..late night is super cold even without fan or air cond..with a jacjet n sleeping bag..
Goin to singapore from frasers n singapore will be updated soon
Went to frasers due to a scout camp in our scout troop where now i m 1 of the scouter. 1st camp out from the school after becoming scouter. Neway 4d3n were quite fun...went for two jungle tracking and 1of the trail was repair by me n my friends last year...still remember the goold old days where we always camp together.
had some drinking session with the old scouters..whisky n brandy...(quoted from liu kwai choong-to keep warm when he was drinking). Weather up there is quite unpredictable..late night is super cold even without fan or air cond..with a jacjet n sleeping bag..
Goin to singapore from frasers n singapore will be updated soon
Saturday, 9 August 2008
For the week
This week started off in a rather crap manner, was down with fever , sore throat and flu. It went on for another 2 days, and make me so damn tired in the class.
But class has been goin fun espcially english nad accounts where all jokers are around.
Had topic tests and in turned out to be quite easy. Well, but seriously starting to have problems with maths as the lecturer teaches in an extream speed.
Anyway, account test coming soon . As usual i m nt studying until the last
Update soon..
But class has been goin fun espcially english nad accounts where all jokers are around.
Had topic tests and in turned out to be quite easy. Well, but seriously starting to have problems with maths as the lecturer teaches in an extream speed.
Anyway, account test coming soon . As usual i m nt studying until the last
Update soon..
Saturday, 2 August 2008
Green Hut
Havent been updateting blog since a long time , n shim remind me abt that in green hut yum cha session today. So i decided to post something to please
Anyway, meet up wit sze to, khew, choo, shim and espcially joel who i think i last saw him when we are in pangkor during last year class trip. V had a gud time there and we start chatting randomly from education to girls n all sorts of funny things.
Left abt 1 sumthing when shim said he nid to rush to times square for his friend farewell.
Anyway, meet up wit sze to, khew, choo, shim and espcially joel who i think i last saw him when we are in pangkor during last year class trip. V had a gud time there and we start chatting randomly from education to girls n all sorts of funny things.
Left abt 1 sumthing when shim said he nid to rush to times square for his friend farewell.
Saturday, 19 July 2008
Routine - road blocks
Ntg much had happened this week which make life become extreamly boring. Had a family dinner on friday n had to attend my parents fren's party as they are back from australia after migrating for holiday.
Well, i m goin to express some concern on the road block n political uncertainty in our country.
Road block through out the week is jus madness and it has turn KL to a massive jam city. To: " Home Ministry or police force"- no need to send special branch police= FBI or Swat Team to arrest a 60+ old man. U noe who i meant...
Well, i m goin to express some concern on the road block n political uncertainty in our country.
Road block through out the week is jus madness and it has turn KL to a massive jam city. To: " Home Ministry or police force"- no need to send special branch police= FBI or Swat Team to arrest a 60+ old man. U noe who i meant...
Monday, 14 July 2008
Andrew's Party
Last sat, went to andrew party at his sungai long hse-' mansion'
Passing by the same the same place without realising it's andrew
Ntg much, the 1st half was dull..but it do get lively after we started playing in the cards and swimming.
Stay over at his hse...but i do enjoyed catching with old frens , its jus like those camp that we went together.
Picture will be updated soon..
Passing by the same the same place without realising it's andrew
Ntg much, the 1st half was dull..but it do get lively after we started playing in the cards and swimming.
Stay over at his hse...but i do enjoyed catching with old frens , its jus like those camp that we went together.
Picture will be updated soon..
Thursday, 10 July 2008
Srew up Timetable
sem 2 started dis monday n new time table are selected..however due to some fully occupied classes i have to select other class
Unfortunately, the remaining time slot is just so silly but i have no choice.I will be having a 4 1/2 hours before my next class on monday n things like that.
will not even be having my usual friday half day school instead it is a full day for me in college...
no more movies after college on friday...but who noe it might be a blessing in disguise
neway get to noe some cool dude in this newe sem ...
Unfortunately, the remaining time slot is just so silly but i have no choice.I will be having a 4 1/2 hours before my next class on monday n things like that.
will not even be having my usual friday half day school instead it is a full day for me in college...
no more movies after college on friday...but who noe it might be a blessing in disguise
neway get to noe some cool dude in this newe sem ...
Sunday, 6 July 2008
Same old songs..
Finally , my passport was done after all the hassle ..But i would like to blog more on mbs carnival.It's not purely abt the carnival, but it's abt meeting the old frens & do somethg we have been doin for years since high school day. Early in the morning, went to sri petaling to pick up n off v go to mbs. When we reached there, our fellow "members"-eric, seng hang, melvin, meng hen, jun min, khai wen, andrew tay , jason. To my suprise, tuck wai was there as well..-a person who transfered school during form 4..if he has no do so..he will be a morianz too.. neway..meeting jaosn n seng hang was special as i had never seen them since the day we collected our som results which few months back .. after a session of chatting in 5A classroom n visiting stalls of the cranival. we went to pavillion for a movie.." Hancock" no quite brilliant but nevertheless we doin sort of enjoy it. Went off early as I need to pick my younger bro from mbs..College starting tmr.
Wednesday, 2 July 2008
Yesterday, went to the immigration department to get my passport done since i will b going 2 singapore next month. was geared up n woke up as early at 6.30am to avoid the crowd( according 2 my parents). at 7somethg i reached damansara. so I go to this usual spot where ppl get their passport photo taken and its spoils my day immediately . conversation from the female boss of the photo shop.
boss: come, lets take yr picture!!
me; okay..
boss: okay its taken. neway r u above 18??
me: no..i m still
boss; den did u bring yr birth cert.???
me: nope..
boss; sorry u cant renew yr passport then.
i was like wtf!!!!wasted all my time n i nid 2 go damansara on dis friday AGAIN...
who will use their birth cert. since they get their IC. this why IC is created rite....
Once again i prove that our civil service is well below par..with some ridiculous bureaucracy and rules.
boss: come, lets take yr picture!!
me; okay..
boss: okay its taken. neway r u above 18??
me: no..i m still
boss; den did u bring yr birth cert.???
me: nope..
boss; sorry u cant renew yr passport then.
i was like wtf!!!!wasted all my time n i nid 2 go damansara on dis friday AGAIN...
who will use their birth cert. since they get their IC. this why IC is created rite....
Once again i prove that our civil service is well below par..with some ridiculous bureaucracy and rules.
Monday, 30 June 2008
crossing OVER??Who??
1st of all, let me explain the meaning of my title in case u have no idea abt it. Its generally means moving over to another politics party from yr earlier party. Although its sounds unethical, i would not be surprised.
Upon staying out from the turkey embassy, Datuk Anwar said that change of government will happened very soon with 4 BN member crossing over soon (2 from UMNO). Speculation has started going on who are the two heroes/heroine who will be walking out of the"fair" & "corruption free" party.
The sodomy conspiracy is just another story from the federal govt. to diverge attention on the few issues-price hike, Mongolian lady murder(name need not to be mention),and out most important is to tarnished Datuk Anwar credibility, who well might be the next PM if what he claimed on papers are true.
Some ppl. thinks that citizens are fuckers with no sense and think that plotting this same old story will made us change our mind. 5 yrs old children wouldn't have believe that what more an adult who can think.
Datuk Anwar...M'sian will b behind u if not all then at least 60% on this particular issue..
Upon staying out from the turkey embassy, Datuk Anwar said that change of government will happened very soon with 4 BN member crossing over soon (2 from UMNO). Speculation has started going on who are the two heroes/heroine who will be walking out of the"fair" & "corruption free" party.
The sodomy conspiracy is just another story from the federal govt. to diverge attention on the few issues-price hike, Mongolian lady murder(name need not to be mention),and out most important is to tarnished Datuk Anwar credibility, who well might be the next PM if what he claimed on papers are true.
Some ppl. thinks that citizens are fuckers with no sense and think that plotting this same old story will made us change our mind. 5 yrs old children wouldn't have believe that what more an adult who can think.
Datuk Anwar...M'sian will b behind u if not all then at least 60% on this particular issue..
Sunday, 29 June 2008
Euro Finale
Bravo to the Spaniard as they finally ended their jinx in the major competition after 44 years of waiting Spaniard had always claimed they have the best league in the world which i don't really agree though but have the tradition doing badly in major tournament... however this group of young Spaniard has proved many ppl wrong (including me ) as they can handled pressure as beside showing their silky move on the pitch which usually stumble against power play opponent such as the Germans. sorry for Ballack as he once again fallen in the big stage having missed the WC 2006 due to suspension.This will be his 10th second place finish in his illustrious career.Torres who was not living up with expectation in the EURO has done everything right tonight to silence his critics with a multi-million and history making goal.. and he might well be the next legend of Spain, mean time Fabregas has just show why he is the one to replace Viera in Arsenal..I just hope that the duo will continue to show their sparkling form in the premier league n make it as intersting as possible..but i would want the season end with MANU being champion regardless in wateva manner..
Time Flies..
Within a 1 month hols is ending soon..well..results has just been released and is not too bad neither i had done very well ...went to arjun's hse yesterday, as usual not stop crapping 4 1 hour as i waiting to pick up my bro from bowling practice at starting in 1week time...and i will start to update as much as possible
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
Some idea somehow jus strike me into posting my 1st blog after having it a frequent blog viewer or u may claim reader, blogging has nvr been my cup of tea til 2day..well..although there are ntg much 2 blog abt recently...its jus strikes me..finals(exams as well as chmaps league) is jus 2 weeks frm nw..hopefuly by then..i m still interested 2 a die hard manu commentting on their awesome achievement would be a sin...great job from the players n fergie..u bring glory across the globe for all the manu fans...n MOSCOW...we shall be honour the king of europe..
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